Monday, July 19, 2010

Exactly one year ago today, we were having a baby

I remember exactly what we were doing the moment that I felt my first contraction. I was preparing a delicious BBQ salmon dinner to share with my lovely husband and our even lovelier friends, Sara and Dan Buri.

Dan didn't believe that I was starting labor, but I knew. I continued to cook, eat and clean up our dinner all the while reminding Nick to time my contractions as they came.

I can't believe what an amazing experience we had in store for us. Nick and I spent MONTHS and countless hours at home practicing, learning and mastering our knowledge of natural childbirth and went in to Stella's birth with excitement and dedication to our gentle birth plans. I am so thankful, 12 months later, that I had such a wonderful pregnancy, labor and birth partner in Nick. If it weren't for him, I would've have believed in myself enough and I'm sure this story would've been written entirely differently.

We have had an amazing time getting to know our daughter over the last year and we can't wait to see what the future holds in store for us.

Happy First Birthday to my most dearest Stella!

At one year old, here are some interesting Stella-factoids:

• What she eats: Everything that we eat plus lots of Mama's milk. No baby food in our house!

• Her favorite things to say: Hi Dad! Hi Mom! Bird, Book (minus the k), Ball, Dadda, Mama, Papa (Grandpa).

• Her favorite things to say in sign language: Bird, dog, milk, more.

• How she gets around: Walking while holding on to furniture/walls/people and speed-crawling.

• Her favorite toys: Cooking utensils, books and shoes.

• Weight & Height: 30 inches tall, 20 pounds.

• She has visited 9 countries already: USA, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium and Croatia. Coming soon: England - for a well rounded 10.

Stella's birthday slide show:


  1. Oh, there's nothing better than a happy cry. :) I can't believe how much she's grown in such a short period of time!

    She's lovely. I blame both of you. Happy Year 1. And here's to all the adventures ahead! Opa!

  2. Danke, Darci! I'm so glad to be able to share the little one's first with everyone thanks to this blog. I only wish we were closer so everyone could be here for her birthday bbq! -Liv
