It's been 3 years. A lot has changed since our last visit to Utah. We have lived in countless other states, cities, countries... We have lost family members and gained family members. One thing that remains the same: we absolutely ADORE Utah. Of course, Stella has absolutely no recollection of Utah and since we don't talk about our old home very often, she was quite confused when we drove her past our house in Salt Lake City (that is currently being rented) and told her the story about how that's the house she lived in when she was a baby. She was really only interested in seeing snow.
The main reason we wanted to revisit Utah was to catch up with some of our favorite people. Our good friends – The Helgesens – have just moved back to the USA after living in Africa since we all left Oxford over a year ago, and since Laura and Tenzing were the people we spent the majority of our Oxford-time with, Stella and I were very excited to reunite with them. Mostly, though, I was excited to see if Stella actually remembered Tenzing and if they still got along.
As it turns out, either Stella and Tenzing are very good at pretending that they remember each other, or they really DO remember each other. They picked right up where they left off a year ago and got back in to the swing of being best buds. Here are some photos of our weekend trip to beautiful Utah:
The ever-beautiful Laura and her adorable son, Tenzing. My-oh-my how we have missed them!
Daddy-daughter silliness.
Best Dad ever.
We took the kids inner-tubing in the snow. This was probably the highlight of the trip for everyone :)
I still can't believe Stella went down that hill. It wasn't steep, but the tubes went FAST!
Sweet boy.
Best friends.
Do you see them up at the top? No? Oh, well I swear that's them. Just keep scrolling down...
Nick, Xavier, Stella and Tenzing each had their own inner tube. The Dads held everyone's ropes tight so that they went down the slope together.
Rounding them up...
I'm sure Tenzing was saying, "Again!"
Taking in a cartoon together.
And a little pre-hot-tub dance party. (ps- Stella is potty trained but wanted to wear the "cool" swim diaper..."
Silly dimply girl.
Oh yeah, Olive was there, too. She had fun chewing on her feet.
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