Really, honestly. Nothing exciting is happening in our lives. We haven't done anything that we thought you would really want to read about. But the truth is, Grandparents want to see pictures of their Granddaughter. Aunts and Uncles want to see their niece. That's really all there is to it.
In the last few weeks, we left our home in Neustadt and went to Berlin... again. Before we left the town we have called home for the last 5 months, our friends Paul & Annie and their lovely baby girl, Ava, came to visit. We had a fantastic time watching the babies play together!
What's even more fun than watching little girls steal toys from each other you ask? Well, Annie's little brother (and a friend of ours), Gabriel, coming to visit and being appointed babysitter! Stella and Ava had a blast crawling all over Gabriel and his lovely fiance, Kathy.
We are thankful for great friends and fun times in foreign countries with them. And we hope to see all our other friends soon - because we miss everyone so much!

Great pictures!