Nick was accepted to Oxford!
This is an amazing achievement. I am so proud of him. Oxford was the "best" school that he applied to - and he was accepted. Way to go, Nick!
So, it seems that our travels will take us (first) to Germany for about 5 months, where we will stay at our friend, Paul's, Grandfather's house just outside of Hannover. We will then relocate our little family to Oxford, England, where we will stay until Nick is finished with his MBA.
Jess tells me that there are beautiful cobblestone streets in Oxford and Nick read that the school itself is very old school - students take their exams wearing their full robes... kind of Harry Potter-ish. How exciting!
In the meantime, we are liquidating most of our belongings. We will stay in our house in SW Portland until the end of the month (even though it's starting to look bare with less and less furniture every day), and then we will move to my in-laws' home in Vancouver for a week before we begin our 14 day journey from New York City to Venice, Italy aboard a ginormous Norwegian Cruiseline Ship.
I won't lie, I'm pretty nervous. But this will be one of the biggest adventures of my life. I can't wait to post pictures of Stella aboard the cruise ship and in all the places we will be stopping between Portland and England: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany and England.
Speaking of Stella, she is changing more every day. This time in her life has been particularly fun because she is learning and showing off her humorous side. She now is trying to crawl, although she's still not very good at it. She tries to eat everything I eat: from indian food to ice cream to lime wedges, she hasn't found a food that she doesn't like.
Nick and I are very thankful for all of the wonderful time we get to spend with our daughter - watching her grow and change every day. We are starting to realize that we will sincerely miss all of our friends and family while we are away, but we also very much hope that each and every person we know will consider coming to visit us in our new home overseas.
ReplyDeleteWow.. huge, huge news! I haven't run into you since you've been back in Pdx but this is a good thing and the right thing to do.
Congrats to you and yours on the adventure you're all about to undertake.
Thanks, Joe!