We are officially moved out of our house in SW PDX. It's quite bittersweet. We loved our house, we loved the neighborhood, we loved living in Portland again, but we are excited for the next adventure in our lives.
Lucy has gone to live with a friend of mine while we are away. I already miss her terribly. Pepe is on his way to go stay with my brother in Seattle. We are trying our hardest to get all of our things in order, and we already feel the pressure building. We have so many things to finish before we can leave and we are running out of time!
Stella has been very understanding and flexible with our crazy schedules. She even tries to help me pack our bags... or UNpack, I should say. She's much better at taking things out of the bag than putting them in.
In the last few weeks, Stella has started saying "Mama" very often and is eating almost everything that we eat. She isn't walking yet, which is good, because I can't imagine how hard it would be to chase after her on the cruise ship!
Nick and I know that we are going to miss our friends and family while we are away, and we aren't looking forward to that. We put together a gathering at Henry's 12th Street Tavern (henrystavern.com) on Friday, April 2nd at 8pm for anyone who is interested in coming out to have some good food and drinks. We would love to see you there and give you a hug before we head off.
We hope all of our friends and family are doing well and look forward to keeping in touch while we are away!